10 Best Superman & Lex Luthor Stories Ever Written

4. The Showdown Between Luthor And Superman

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DC Comics

It may be a surprise to see this story on this list, let alone so far up it, but it is a testament to the work of Edmond Hamilton, Curt Swan and George Klein that it should be considered essential reading for anyone with even a passing interest in the relationship between Lex and Superman.

It is the first time that Luthor is depicted in the way that has since become so familiar. He is conniving and untrustworthy and is willing to do whatever it takes to finally vanquish his foe. He challenges Supes to a mano-a-mano fight on an alien planet that is orbited by a red sun and it isn't long before Superman takes him up on his offer.

With his powers drained it doesn't take Lex long to get the upper hand and because Kal has spent his life holding back so he doesn't kill anyone, he is on the serious end of an ass whupping. In fact, it is only one lucky haymaker that lays Luthor out cold that stops this from being a complete massacre.

Even though Superman is victorious in the end, Lex escapes too fight another day.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.