10 Best Superman & Lex Luthor Stories Ever Written

3. The Death Of Superman

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DC Comics

This isn't 'The Death of Superman' that everyone is so familiar with. This one is from 1961 and is an imaginary tale where Lex finally does what he has always wanted to and kills the Man of Steel. But it isn't just because he manages to pull off the impossible that makes this story so great, it's the way he goes about achieving this.

Jerry Siegel, Curt Swan, and Sheldon Moldoff's story show's just what lengths Lex is willing to go to, to destroy his nemesis as he cures cancer just so he can get close enough to Superman to kill him.

Having access to the prison laboratories is all he needs to do this and this, in turn, turns him into a national hero as well as getting Supes to trust him. In fact, he has so much faith in Luthor that when he is attacked by mobsters it's the Big Blue Boy Scout who rushes to his aid. But, as always, everything is not as it seems and when he rushes to his aid again it turns out that it's a trap.

With all his friends watching, Superman is injected with a fatal dose of kryptonite and dies, giving Lex everything he's always dreamed of. Oh, and and a trip to the Phantom Zone, cause you ain't getting away with that s**t.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.