10 Best Things Batman Has Ever Punched

6. A Man Eating Ice Cream

A slight digression here, in that this is actually a kick and not the advertised punch of this article's title. Still, the whole sequence is entertaining enough that it bears mentioning, from Batman's little jog through the park, right to the kick in question. Valiantly attempting to stop an unsuspecting citizen from tucking into a poisoned ice cream cone, Batman decides that the only way to save the man's life is with a swift kick to the head. He must have run out of batarangs, I guess. The unsuspecting fellow's pre-emptive €œmmm... chocolate€ renders the sequence even funnier than it inherently is already. Unsurprisingly, the whole sequence €“ found in Paul Jenkins, Jae Lee and Sean Phillips' Two-Face story 'Jekyll And Hyde' - has turned into an internet meme; context be damned, this boot to the head is often labelled as one of the most dickish things Batman has ever done.
Although that does forget about the time €“ in the same story, no less - he kicked a goon so hard and at such an angle that he made the poor fellow shoot himself in the testicles. If this is what happens when The Caped Crusader tries his hand at kick-boxing, we should be glad that he's mostly a fistfight kinda guy.

A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.