10 Best Vampires In Comics

8. Cassidy - Preacher

Blade Vampires
Vertigo Comics

Jesse Custer may be the titilar man of the cloth in Vertigo Comics' Preacher, but it's his best pal who ultimately stole the show. And the comic book, too. A hard-drinking Irish vampire with a foul mouth and dark past, Proinsias Cassidy is the story's hidden heart and soul, unwittingly giving the final book its greatest villain of all.

Or at least, a foe far closer to home than Jesse had anticipated.

Cassidy may be great fun to be around - and is one of the book's most entertaining characters - but writer Garth Ennis doesn't shy away from Cassidy's misdeeds. Ultimately, Preacher turns into a battle for redemption - just not for the character you might have been expecting.

Still, that Cassidy turns out to be a complete bastard doesn't take away from the power of Ennis's writing, nor the fabulous illustration by Steve Dillon. Warts and all, Proinsias (ha!) Cassidy is one of the medium's most iconic vampires, and perhaps Garth Ennis's most memorable creation.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.