10 Best Vampires In Comics

7. Vicente - 30 Days Of Night

Blade Vampires
IDW Publishing

There are plenty of vampires to choose from in Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith's 30 Days of Night.

When a plague of vampires invade a remote Alaskan town - where nightfall lasts 30 days - the place is quite literally infested with them. It's up to sheriff Eben Oleson and wife Stella to try and hold them off, and save as many lives as they can.

This task becomes even tougher when big bad Vicente steps onto the scene, looking like Nosferatu incarnate. The vampires of 30 Days of Night are among the most intimidating we've ever seen in a comic book, with black eyes and mouths jammed full of razor blades. None are more terrifying than the bald, spiky-eared Vicente, looking snappy in his stylish black and red jacket.

Although he doesn't get to do much before a recently-turned Eben punches a hole through the back of his head, Vicente makes quite the impact. He's a figure readers are unlikely to forget, no matter how many days of night have passed since.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.