10 Biggest Comic Book Bait And Switches

8. The Death Of Superman Again - He Doesn't Die

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The Death of Superman is famous storyline that killed off Superman, with a fairly lasting effect when it comes to comics. While Superman did come back, he stayed dead for some time, allowing the world to continue without him.

When Supergirl advertised a new storyline of The Death of Superman Again. The cover showed Supergirl standing over the blood-covered dead body of Superman.

While it might seem doubtful to readers that Superman would die again, especially not in another character's title series, to readers following Supergirl it did seem possible the comic might be something big. This became especially possible when Kara became brainwashed to believe she was sent to Earth to kill Superman.

The last few issues in her series had seen an acceleration of her internal struggle. Whether or not readers thought it would truly be another death of Superman, it finally seemed like things might be coming to an action packed head in issue #19.

Instead, the comic involves only a handful of panels of Superman and Supergirl together. No battle, not even a near-death, they just hug and reconcile.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.