10 Biggest Comic Book Bait And Switches

6. Nightwing Has An Affair With Catwoman - He Definitely Doesn't

Ric Grayson Thumbnail
DC Comics

The front cover of the Crimes Of Passion Valentines Day Special shows Nightwing clutching romantically at Catwoman. Selina is carrying a bag full of money and stolen jewels, and is also wearing the same wedding dress as the day she jilted Batman. Batman asks - in a large, dramatically-coloured font - "Catwoman and...Nightwing?! WHY?!" to which which Nightwing replies "Aren't you a detective? We're in love."

Considering Batman and Catwoman's messy relationship, and their failed attempt at a wedding -this looks to be a very dramatic story indeed. Even if readers anticipated things weren't as they seemed, it's hard to imagine what plot would justify the picture on the front.

Did Nightwing have to go undercover with Catwoman (his almost step-mom) in a fake romance plot involving tracking down stolen jewellery? Is Catwoman trying to protect Batman in some way by pretending to be interested in his adopted son? It wouldn't be the first time in comic history Catwoman has used Nightwing to make Batman jealous. Or maybe it was all just some casual misunderstanding?

No. It turns out there is nothing like this in the book at all. Nightwing and Catwoman never even appear in a story together.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.