10 Most Bizarre Things In Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 & 9

4. A Male Slayer Who's Not Quite A Slayer Who Is

The latest addition to Buffy's cadre of slayers, and a member of the next group in need of some empowerment, is a gay young man by the name of Billy. He's not quite a slayer in the true sense of the word - he doesn't have the birthright or any of the superpowers, for example - but he does have a watcher of sorts who also happens to be his beau, and tells him that he can kill vampires...kind of just because. You're hit a little bit over the head with the social message of it all, but it's still an interesting spin on what's by now a familiar concept; what happens when someone who's expected to be a victim turns out to be a hero?

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.