10 Characters Who Have Defeated Apocalypse

6. Dark Riders

Thor Apocalypse
Marvel Comics

This group of followers is made up of mutants and Inhumans who believe in Apocalypse's doctrine of survival of the fittest. Living with that belief they follow Apocalypse and do his bidding, as they view him to be the alpha and pinnacle of existence.

However, when Stryfe faces off against Apocalypse and outmatches the tyrant the Dark Riders switch allegiance to him as they view his victory over their master as a sign of Stryfe being the true and fittest survivor.

Despite his loss Apocalypse survives the encounter by escaping and much later, the Dark Riders come into contact with their former master. Now operating under Stryfe they rise against Apocalypse as they strive to vanquish the unfit.

In a battle that takes place off the pages the Dark Riders defeat and leave Apocalypse on the brink of death, slowly fading. It is while in this state that the dying Apocalypse stumbles upon Archangel and requests to be given a warrior's end and be finished by his former Horseman's hand.

In a show of both growth and grit, Archangel ignores his thirst for vengeance upon Apocalypse and decides to not finish off the mutant. Instead, he leaves Apocalypse to die in a way the First Mutant considers pitiful and beneath him - dying alone, outside of battle and succumbing to his injuries.


Hi, I'm Max! I love all things video games, movies and TV. If you like what you see catch me on Twitter at @mxkamlongera for a good time.