10 Characters Who Have Defeated Apocalypse

5. Cyclops

Thor Apocalypse
Marvel Comics

This series of comics follows Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Angel and Iceman as they live their lives removed from the X-Men because Xavier has given leadership over to Magneto.

Forming a new group called X-Factor, they guise themselves as mutant hunters for hire, but in actual fact they find mutants they're enlisted to hunt and then train them in order for them to better control their powers and reintegrate into society.

Apokolips becomes a recurring enemy, and on one of their encounters with the mutant he targets Cyclops's infant boy.

Sensing the potential brimming in Cyclops's child, Apocalypse kidnaps Nathan Summers and infects him with a virus that consumes its host and transforms the infected into technology (the reason for infecting the child is that Apocalypse himself has the virus, and the time-traveling Cable is the one who he got it from in the first place; so in a crazy time travel loop he's creating the conditions that'll allow him to acquire a virus that also enables him to control advance tech for his own benefits).

The X-Factor arrive and confront Apocalypse, with Cyclops dealing the finishing blow on him by giving him a full-on hit of his optic blast. It isn't known whether Apocalypse is dead or alive after the massive blast but attention is barely given to the matter as focus is on the ailing Nathan.

In order to save the boy he is taken 2,000 years into the future where they have the technology to tackle the virus, and this is how Cable comes to be.


Hi, I'm Max! I love all things video games, movies and TV. If you like what you see catch me on Twitter at @mxkamlongera for a good time.