10 Characters Who Have Defeated Apocalypse

4. Phoenix (Jean Grey)

Thor Apocalypse
Marvel Comics

Within this 19 arc storyline that expanded across 100 issues, the story involving Apocalypse appears towards the end. At this point in the comic series the enemy is Mister Sinister and his plan is to transform into Apocalypse and unleash devastation upon the world.

The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and members of the X-Men come forth to challenge Mister Sinister, now as Apocalypse, while Cable and Xavier also arrive to offer a helping hand in undoing the damage.

Despite their best efforts they lose, and Apocalypse recognizes Xavier as a powerful mutant he can kill and absorb abilities from to become truly all-powerful. It's at this moment that when hope seems lost Jean Grey cries out to the Phoenix Force to possess her and it responds to her call.

Evolving into Phoenix, Jean Grey easily overpowers Apocalypse, overwhelming him and outclassing him to the point that he begs for his life and loses his powers and reverts back to Mister Sinister.

The world saved, Phoenix goes on to undo everything that happened and restores the world to a prior state with everyone, except core X-Men members, forgetting what had happened. Alongside restoring the world, she also disappears from the face of the planet, as she has greater tasks that call for her attention.


Hi, I'm Max! I love all things video games, movies and TV. If you like what you see catch me on Twitter at @mxkamlongera for a good time.