10 Characters Who Have Defeated Apocalypse

2. Thor (Jane Foster)

Thor Apocalypse
Marvel Comics

At this point in time Jane Foster has been operating as Thor for sometime now. However, alongside this gift she also suffers from breast cancer - a disease made worse by the fact each time she becomes Thor her Chemotherapy is effectively purged from her body. Mjolnir gives her the power to be Thor during transformation, but it leaves her vulnerable after use because it aggravates the cancer and nullifies the radiation from treatment. Despite this, Jane continues to wield Mjolnir to protect Asgardia, Midgard, and the rest of the realms.

This storyline starts off in ancient times, following a young Odinson who is still unworthy of Mjolnir. As the story progresses he's called away from Asgard when he hears the Vikings praying out to him for aid.

He comes to their assistance and he finds them in battle against the ancient Egyptians and Apocalypse.

When he is about to engage Apocalypse, Jane, from the future, is transported into the middle of this skirmish. At first the Odinson is outraged that someone is wielding his birthright, Mjolnir. However, reflecting the younger Thor's pig-headed nature, he's shocked to see that its bearer is a woman, and is in essence more worthy than he.

The moment isn't dwelt on, however, as it quickly becomes clear that individually the two Thors cannot match up to Apocalypse and must band together.

Together, they manage to overcome Apocalypse. The victory isn't shown explicitly, but we do get to see a following scene of the Vikings sailing home while both Thors revel in their win. They are celebrating victory alongside both Thors and in the same way she was mysteriously and suddenly transported into the past, Jane disappears back to her timeline.


Hi, I'm Max! I love all things video games, movies and TV. If you like what you see catch me on Twitter at @mxkamlongera for a good time.