10 Characters Who Should Appear In Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3

6. Annihilus

Vance Astro Marvel
Marvel Comics

The despotic king of the Negative Zone, Annihilus maintains his rule thanks to his Control Rod. It is a weapon of great power that allows the insectoid tyrant to strike down anyone who would dare oppose him or make fun of how small his rod is.

While he is mostly known as a Fantastic Four villain, Annihilus was also the main villain of the comic Annihilation. In that series, he led an army from the Negative Zone called the Annihilation Wave to invade the universe. He was opposed by a collection of Marvel's cosmic heroes (many of whom would go on to form the Guardians of the Galaxy) in an epic war that was waged across entire solar systems.

It would be absolutely awesome to see such a huge-scale story adapted for the big screen. Unfortunately, that might be a little tricky. Because Annihilus was originally created as a Fantastic Four villain, his movie rights belong to Fox rather than Marvel. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility though and there's always the hope that the two could come to an agreement to both use the character, like with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.


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