10 Characters Who Should Appear In Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3

5. Moondragon

Vance Astro Marvel
Marvel Comics

One thing we know for sure is that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is going to add some new heroes to the team. So who better to add than a character already linked to one of the Guardians?

Moondragon is Heather Douglas, the daughter of Drax the Destroyer (who in the comics is actually a human named Arthur Douglas). While Drax believed she was killed by Thanos, she actually survived and was taken in by Thanos' father Mentor. He then trained her to become a master martial artist and unlocked her latent psychic powers.

She joined the Guardians after her death and resurrection during Annihilation. Initially she served as part of the team's telepathic support network, but she later joined in on field operations as well before the group disbanded.

Having Drax discover that his daughter is still alive would give his character a new direction to go in after Thanos is presumably defeated at the end of Infinity War's sequel. Her inclusion would also further strengthen the family dynamic between the Guardians.

Obviously, her origin would have to be altered to fit in with the alien version of Drax. However, that's nothing that a dash of green body paint couldn't quickly fix.


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