The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been very good at one thing; experimentation with other characters. While DC is terrified to make a movie that doesn't feature some combination of Superman or Batman, Marvel is coming out this August with Guardians of the Galaxy, a movie that features a talking raccoon with machine guns and a walking tree. To that end, it opens up possibilities of seeing a great property like the Inhumans, as well as their pet bulldog Lockjaw. There's something kind of awesome about picturing the Inhumans going into battle against someone like the Skrulls or the Shi'ar Empire with Lockjaw at their side, as it would follow along the Guardians of the Galaxy notion of comic book movies just being about fun. The concept of Lockjaw on film is supremely tantalizing, offering up images of Black Bolt and Medusa in glorious action poses with Lockjaw there to back them up. Come on, Marvel, you've already given us a talking raccoon, so what's a super-powered dog between us friends?