No, not THAT Wonder Dog. This one was created by Robert Kanigher and Alex Toth, a hero that shares similarities with Captain America; an ordinary pooch that was given a dose of super-soldier serum to enhance his natural abilities. Perhaps the most interesting thing about Rex was just how skilled he was in a number of areas, as he wasn't just a crime fighter. He was also an adventurer of sorts, having stories all across the world and getting involved in some pretty wacky stuff. As far as Rex's involvement in the ongoing DC Cinematic Universe goes, it seems obvious that he could be brought in as a sort of unofficial Justice League sidekick. He would often team with the JLA in the comics, so throwing Rex in as the sort of Watchtower guard dog would be a wonderful little nod to the comics while retaining the grounded sensibility that Warner Bros. is going for. Still, it's a heck of a fantasy to imagine Rex teaming up with Detective Chimp while the JLA is busy mopping up an alien invasion.