10 Comic Book Characters Who Didn't Deserve The Hate

7. Iceman

Riri Williams Ironheart
Marvel Comics

All New X-Men managed to be perhaps the most controversially received comic of the recent decade, with many fans actively up in arms about the reveal that one of the founding X-Men, Iceman, was gay.

Admittedly, some of this irritation wasn't entirely unwarranted, as this being revealed through Jean Grey reading Bobby's mind and telling him was undeniably a super weird way for the whole thing to come up. But this does still make sense, as it's only through Jean's intervention that Iceman comes to terms with this aspect of himself, and only with her support that he can confront his future self - which even people who hated it have to admit is at least a unique scene if nothing else.

Iceman being gay really shouldn't have been considered such a huge crisis as it was by many fans, as the character was still the same sassy icicle we all knew and loved, at the end of the day.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.