10 Comic Book Heroes Betrayed By Their Own Sidekicks

5. Punisher - Microchip

Green Arrow Roy Harper
Marvel Comics

For all his skills as a one-man war on crime, The Punisher isn’t known for his computer prowess. Luckily for him, that’s where Microchip comes in - the two worked together and travelled the world hunting criminals for years.

But good murder sprees never last and eventually Microchip became concerned about The Punisher's mental state. In Punisher volume 2 #97, Microchip locked Frank up and replaced him with a Navy Seal, while he tried to bring his old pal back around to sanity.

Of course, The Punisher broke free and then he and Microchip went from allies to enemies, with the two hatching plans to kill one another.

But when it comes to murder no one does it better than Frank Castle. Before long Microchip found himself the same as all of Frank’s other enemies: dead, and wishing he never met The Punisher.


I'm just a man who spent £40K on a marketing degree, and then decided to write about comic books. I think I made the right choice.