10 Comic Book Heroes Betrayed By Their Own Sidekicks

4. Captain America - Winter Solider

Green Arrow Roy Harper
Marvel Comics

It’s common knowledge that Captain America spent his early days punching Nazis for the good ol’ U.S of A., but he didn’t fight alone. His loyal sidekick Bucky Barnes fought alongside him across the world and against the Axis of powers in WW2, until the fateful day Bucky died.

However, comics being comics, Bucky didn’t stay dead. He was found and captured by Russian operatives, who subsequently gave him a kick-ass metal arm and such a severe dose of brainwashing ‘Bucky’ no longer existed – The Winter Soldier was born.

In Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting's seminal 2005 run of Captain America, 60 years after Bucky originally fell, Cap came face to face with the man – or at least, most of a man – he used to know, and he and the now brainwashed Winter Soldier battled it out.

It would come to pass that Bucky would regain his memories (thanks to the cosmic cube), but not before the betrayal was already done.


I'm just a man who spent £40K on a marketing degree, and then decided to write about comic books. I think I made the right choice.