10 Comic Book Sidekicks Better Than Their Mentors

3. Amadeus Cho

Nightwing Punches Batman
Marvel Comics

Bruce Banner is one of the brightest minds the Marvel universe has ever seen when he's not smashing everything in sight uncontrollably as the Incredible Hulk. So it makes sense that his sidekick would be equally smart, if not smarter, and his version of the big green destruction machine would be just a bit more incredible.

Banner mentored Amadeus Cho, a 19-year-old genius considered to be the tenth smartest person on the planet Earth until he took over the mantle of Hulk. Cho absorbs the ability to turn into the indestructible Jade hero. Bruce sees this gift as a curse while Amadeus takes great pride in his remarkable power.

What sets this student apart from his teacher is that he can transform whenever he wants and does not need rage to activate the change. However, if Cho uses too much of his abilities, he loses control. While this is not Ideal, it is a more appealing debacle than that of Banner's anger management approach.

A battle of wits would be an even matchup between the two distinguished Marvel geniuses, but when it comes down to a one-on-one smash-fest, Cho won't have to lose his cool to win.


D.J. Rivera is an award-winning writer, director, and producer with several of his titles available on Amazon Prime Video. When he’s not making movies, this go-getter lends his talents to several popular outlets writing about everything that matters in the entertainment industry and producing solid content for his distinguished client base.