10 Comic Book Storylines To Link The Fantastic Four And X-Men Films

9. Secret Invasion

Admittedly, Secret Invasion appears to be more of an Avengers story than anything else, but Brian Michael Bendis' conspiracy superhero epic has more than enough of the Fantastic Four and X-Men in it to successfully exclude other heroes. For example, any technological feat conceived by Tony Stark in the source material could easily be accomplish by Reed Richards if not The Beast. In Secret Invasion, the shape-shifting alien Skrulls have been kidnapping and impersonating Earth's heroes for years. Nobody can be trusted as all teams have been infiltrated by psychic immune sleeper agents. It places a high degree of tension among the two teams, and within them. The truly fantastic piece of adapting this story would be the battles that could ensue between a hero and his/her doppelgänger. While there was something like this going on in the first X-Men movie with Mystique, it wasn't utilised to its full potential (like most things in that movie). Between the distrust among the heroes, the thriller-style, and the extra-terrestrial threat storyline, this movie would certainly be a winner.

Brandon grew from the awkwardness of his youth into the awkwardness of his adulthood. He is the author of the Eat Your Serial Press title "Ten Years Gone: Pomp and Circumstance" and is a contributor on Maglomaniac, Polite on Society, and What Culture.