10 Comic Book Superheroes Who Created Their Own Worst Enemy

7. Martian Manhunter And D'Kay D'Razz

Joker Batman
DC Comics

This unique rivalry started with the death of the Martian race at the hand of J'onn Jonzz's twin brother Malefic. D'Kay D'Razz was a prisoner of the Martian people for conducting experiments on those who could not join with the communal Martian telepathic mind.

When every other Martian died D'Razz fell into a fit of insanity until someone from Earth brought her to our loud planet. The sheer number of thoughts overwhelmed D'Razz so she wiped her memories and became human until the death and resurrection of the Martian Manhunter awoke her alien side.

Now filled with the knowledge that she is not the last of her kind, D'Razz sought out our friendly Martian to restart their race together. However, she quickly turned murderous after finding out the there was another female Martian, Miss Martian.

However, Miss Martian was J'onn's cousin, so really there wasn't any actual threat to D'Razz's plan of Martian reproduction, but nonetheless, she attacked Miss Martian leaving her for dead. Their fight ended when the Martian Manhunter grabbed D'Razz and flew both of them into the sun, killing both and ending any hope of the Martian races' return.

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Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.