10 Comic Book Weapons That Broke All The Rules

7. Hellboy's Right Hand Of Doom

Wonder Woman Dead Earth
Dark Horse

Mike Mignola's Hellboy is one of the greatest superheroes to debut outside of the Marvel and DC universes, and has anchored an entire mythos all of his own, affectionately named after his creator.

The Mignolaverse line of titles is the centrepiece of Dark Horse Comics, with its primary focus being on the supernatural, myth and legend, and in the middle of it - nearly 30 years after his initial debut - stands Hellboy.

Anung un Rama has employed all manner of different weapons whether as a part of the BPRD or in his adventures after leaving the organisation behind, but undoubtedly the coolest is his stoney rand hand of doom (which also happens to be the key that will usher in the apocalypse - no pressure).

Hellboy's signature arm has often come in handy (pleasepleaseplease forgive me), and more so actually than the various firearms, swords an ancient relics the character has also employed in combat. Go back through the original run of Hellboy books from Mignola and colourist Dave Stewart, and you'll be treated to plenty of one-page spreads of the character decking his enemy with one punch.

Plus, what could possibly be cooler than using the weapon that's meant to destroy the Earth to protect instead? Well, maybe a few things. But not many!

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.