10 Comic Book Weapons That Broke All The Rules

6. The War Thor's Hammer

Wonder Woman Dead Earth
Marvel Comics

Another weapon from Jason Aaron's run on Thor, but this time one that initially debuted in a completely different universe.

The War Thor's hammer was originally wielded by the Thor from the Ultimate Universe, but made its way across to Earth-616 following the events of Secret Wars, which destroyed the Ultimate Universe and merged parts of it with the main Marvel continuity.

Volstagg, one of the Warriors Three, eventually lifts the alt-universe Mjolnir after he fails to save a group of Light Elf refugees from Malekith's forces, thus transforming into the War Thor.

The War Thor's hammer has no enchantment on it that would prohibit those who were unworthy from wielding it, and also possesses some powers the original Mjolnir does not, such as teleportation. It even transformed Volstagg's personality, turning him into a being of relentless rage that Jane Foster's Thor had to save.

The War Thor's hammer later became Undrjarn, a new malleable weapon employed by Foster once she assumed the mantle of Valkyrie, and it's just as cool.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.