10 Comic Characters You Won't Believe Joined The Justice League

6. General Glory

Lex Luthor Justice League

Joseph Jones was a World War II soldier who loved the American Dream so much, Lady Liberty herself endowed him with superstrength, turning him into the superhero, General Glory.

Yes, you read that correctly. He obtained superpowers... from patriotism.

The manager of Justice League International, Maxwell Lord, thought it would be a good PR move to associate with a veteran and so, allowed Glory to join the team.

Because of Glory's overly patriotic costume and Uncle Sam attitude, it's clear he is a Captain America caricature. Now, you could argue this is in bad taste. However, when a parody is done well, it can work better than the original. For example, Deadpool is a blatant rip-off of Deathstroke, and went on to become insanely popular.

However, the writers couldn't decide whether General Glory was a blatant farce or a serious character. When he died in Justice League Quarterly #16, the comic seemed to be take his death very seriously while simultaneously taking cheap shots at other comic series.

Although the character could have worked if handled correctly, the writers never found the right formula.


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