10 Comic Characters You Won't Believe Joined The Justice League

5. G'nort

Lex Luthor Justice League

Despite being called the Justice League of America, the team has had many members outside the United States. Superman and founding member, Martian Manhunter, aren't even human. Although aliens are welcome on the Justice League, G'nort Esplanade Gneesmacher is the only space dog to to be a part of the team.

As surreal as that sounds, it gets crazier. G'nort was a part of not one, but TWO factions of the League; the Justice League International and the Justice League of Antarctica (although the latter group was created as a joke).

So, what does G'nort bring to the table? Well, not much. Y'see, G'nort is... kind of an idiot. Originally, he was a Green Lantern: an intergalactic police officer armed with a Power Ring that can project constructs out of light.

However, he was given his ring by the Poglachian aliens who were trying to discredit the Corps by turning the most incompetent people into Lanterns. So, G'nort only became a superhero BECAUSE of his ineptitude.

When fellow Green Lantern, Guy Gardner, learned of the Poglachian's plot, he allowed G'nort to stay in the Corps and even permitted him to join the JLI.


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