10 Comic Characters You Won't Believe Joined The Justice League

3. Triumph

Lex Luthor Justice League

Sometimes, comic writers create a brand-new character and pretend they were there the whole time. Although the Marvel character, The Sentry, first appeared in 2000, he was a superhero before the Fantastic Four or the Avengers came to be, even though their comics debuted in the 1960s.

Nobody remembered The Sentry for years because he erased everyone's memory of him. Other characters like Astra and Blue Marvel have similar origin stories.

Most readers don't like these retcons because it comes across as unnecessarily gimmicky. But when we look at the Justice Leaguer, Triumph, it is just insulting. You see, Triumph wasn't just a Leaguer. He was a founding member and the team's leader!

Any die-hard JLA fan will tell you the founding members were Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter. For the DC staff to write a story thirty-four years later that says, "By the way. There's another member called Triumph that everyone forgot about because he altered the timeline", it comes across as ridiculous.

You could forgive the writers if the character was interesting... but he wasn't. Triumph was cocky, reckless, and arrogant. Much like the DC superheroes, readers thought it was best to forget Triumph existed.


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