10 Comic Characters You Won't Believe Joined The Justice League

2. Despero

Lex Luthor Justice League
DC Comics

The Justice League have been battling Despero since their first self-titled series launched. For sixty years, the monstrous alien has attempted to destroy the League, usually by utilising his mind-controlling abilities.

There are very beings in the cosmos who detest the heroes of Earth more than this extra-terrestrial. Because of this, Despero is the last person you would expect to ally with the Justice League.

However, that's exactly what happened! During a heated battle with the League, Kilowog latched a slave collar onto Despero's neck, transferring the consciousness of their robot companion, L-Ron, into his body.

Because of Despero's massive size, brute strength, and psychic abilities, the League felt compelled to allow the Kalanorian to join JL Task Force. This subdivision of the squad is sanctioned by the United Nations and focuses on stealth. Somehow, the UN thought an eight foot tall pink alien would be a great way to maintain discretion.

L-Ron glitched from time to time, allowing Despero to momentarily regain control of his body. After this happened several times, the League felt like to was in their best interest to remove Despero from the team.


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