10 Comic Heroes You Weren't Supposed To Like

1. Deadpool

Rorschach Watchmen
Marvel Comics

The comic book industry has always been very incestuous, with many characters being born from inspiration taken from others. Flash and Quicksilver, Aquaman and Namor, Thanos and Darkseid, are all incredibly similar characters across both Marvel and DC, and may well have taken inspiration from one another.

One such character that was most certainly born out of this kind of inspiration was Deadpool. Created as something of Marvel's version of Deathstroke, Deadpool was never intended to be popular. The mask wearing mercenary was even named Wade Wilson to mimic DC's Slade Wilson, and was hired to kill Cable and the New Mutants.

This was far before Ryan Reynolds' affiliation with the character, and before his loveable, quippy personality shone through in later comics. Wade Wilson was intended to be little more than a rip off of a successful DC character, as the creators leaned into the initial similarities between the two.

Yet the fans couldn't get enough of the hired killer, and before too long Deadpool had his own solo series, and began to evolve into the wonderful personality we all know and love. There aren't many characters that could kill the entire Marvel universe, twice, and stay this popular.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.