10 Comic Heroes You Weren't Supposed To Like

5. Loki

Rorschach Watchmen
Marvel Comics

In 1949, when the villainous Loki made his comic book debut, there wasn't a heroic bone in his body. The overshadowed brother of Thor, trickster, and God of Mischief was a tyrannical supervillain, terrorising the people of both Asgard and Earth, among other worlds.

Yet somehow, despite there being absolutely no intention for the character to be liked, Loki has become incredibly popular with fans over the years. He has gone from nemesis of the Avengers to having several solo runs to his name, compelling audiences both on the page and on the screen.

While Tom Hiddleston's captivating performances throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe may have gone a long way towards this popularity, it isn't the sole reason behind this change, since his comics debut as a villain Loki has evolved into a far more complex character than a straight forward villain.

With more of a fluid moral compass, passing easily and often between good and bad, and several different versions of the character, Loki is one of the most unique and compelling characters in Marvel's locker. Whether as his male, female, or kid version, Loki is far more popular than ever could have been expected in 1949.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.