10 Comic Plot Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

6. Black Noir Is Homelander's Clone

Rorschach The End is Nigh
Dynamite Entertainment

You likely don't walk into the gore-fest gross-out that is The Boys expecting an intellectually challenging detective novel - and maybe this is for the best, as its biggest and most interesting plot twist is also one that you can solve early by simply looking at the characters.

Because the discovery that the mysterious Black Noir is, in fact, a clone of Homelander is clear is one really obvious way; they look exactly the same. While Noir's mask obscures his entire face to prevent this being too immediately noticeable, there are still a ton of panels that clearly show that the pair are physically twins - as well as Homelander explicitly stating later on in the comic that the two are exactly the same size, to sow just a couple more hints into the mix.

This is made even more apparent in the television show, where endless teasers showed Homelander and Black Noir standing shoulder to shoulder, with exactly the same build, exactly the same height, and exactly the same pose - just to prove how oblivious we all can be.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.