10 Comics Heroes Who Broke Their Mentor's Rules

3. Cyclops

Robin Batman
Marvel Comics

One part mentor, one part dad-or-grandad, Professor X is an especially unusual authoritative figure. Because he's likely to deal with dating problems and awkward mutant pimples just as much as he is legitimate threats, since most of his wards are teens who he's more or less adopted.

And Xavier doesn't seem to expect all that much, aside from wanting his students to be empathetic, rational and kind in their dealings with others.

Thus, when Cyclops goes mad with the power of the Phoenix Force and explodes the Professor, you can imagine his mentor would be more than a little miffed, if he wasn't currently busy with being dead. As a man who is usually one of the most logical X-Men, Charles thought he could rationalise with his golden boy, meeting him in a dramatic final confrontation where the Professor emphasis how much he loves his laser-powered boy.

In return, he's blasted with the power of a million suns. Kids are so ungrateful these days.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.