10 Comics That Made You Answer Impossible Questions

1. Chew - Eat Your Sister (To Save The World)?

Chew Thumbnail
Image Comics

The minute that you Chew is a story about a man who can get a psychic history of anything he eats, you know that human bodies are going to be involved at some point. It's gross, but it's very much inevitable.

But none of the stomach-churning things our hero Tony has to eat for the sake of justice compare to the time he has to eats his twin sister's toe in order to save the day. The suitably named Toni has similar powers to her brother, and - sensing her own demise was soon - cut off her toe and mailed it to her twin in order for him to be able to defeat the enemy that was about to kill her.

This leads to a uniquely traumatic situation in which Tony is confronted with the choice of either letting his sister's efforts be in vain and the world potentially doomed, or eating his dead twin's toe.

It's safe to say we can all agree that this is one decision that does not have a fun option. Now, bon appétit.

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The Avengers

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.