10 Comics Villains Humiliated By The Joker

5. Poison Ivy

The Harley Quinn animated show is set in its own continuity and is definitely not for kids. This allows the show not only over the top violence, but to explore sometimes touchingly emotional issues and ideas.

Throughout Season 1 of the show, Poison Ivy grows increasingly aware that despite her relationship with Kite Man, she is falling in love with Harley. Harley, for her part, is fighting the same growing feelings.

All of which Joker knows.

On top of that, Ivy is the one person who was finally able to talk Harley into leaving her abusive relationship with Joker, much to his outrage.

Ivy is not only on the Joker's list, but she's near the top.

This culminates in the second to last episode of the first season. During a battle against the Joker, he forces a giant Ivy to go against everything she stands for by killing dozens of sentient trees who were attacking Gotham Park, as much as it pains her to do so.

After the battle, with our 'heroes' appearing to have won the day, Joker allows Ivy and Harley one moment of togetherness and reconciliation...

Just before harpooning Ivy through the chest with a giant spear.

This is bad enough, but the mocking laughter and 'Whoops' from the Joker are the capper.


Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.