10 Coolest And Weirdest Alternate Versions Of Batman

7. Batman Beyond

Batman Grim Knight
DC Comics

If you’ve been wondering what becomes of Bruce Wayne after retirement from crime-fighting, wonder no more. In his old age he takes to remotely assisting a teenage boy fight villains in his place, continuing his long tradition of exposing children to thugs and psychopaths.

This forms the basis for Batman Beyond, constituting a number of animated films, TV series, and comic books. The property follows the adventures of the Batman of the Future, Terry McGinnis, who takes up the cowl in place of Bruce at the age of 16.

Since the story is set in 2039, the Bat-suit has been significantly upgraded, akin to something Iron Man might design. It now grants the wearer a litany of abilities, often whatever happens to be convenient, but among the most substantial changes is the ability to fly.

With the cape removed, the suit now has a sleeker aesthetic, and includes rocket shoes, and gliding flaps underneath the arms.


Lover of film and literature, and here to talk about it with you guys on the other side of that screen. Yes, you!