10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy Sin City

6. Super Militarised Police Are The Norm

Corruption is something that real life police forces have to deal with. Just look at, well, the news. Even worse than that, however, is a corrupt police force that has more in common with a military division than law enforcement. Just look at, well, the news. Or at the Basin City Police Department, every single member of which seems to have more in common with a SWAT team than a regular beat cop. Just a regular policeman walking down the street is clad in body armour, riot gear, a big old helmet, and one of those fun night stick things. All the better for beating people with! Mainly prostitutes. This is a Frank Miller joint, after all. They have access to a lovely bunch of even more powerful weapons than that, too, frequently seen wielding guns as big as their heads. Obviously they do have problems with crime in Sin City. They may stay out of The Projects but they have their hands full with all the scum and villainy the litters the rest of their jurisdiction; plus the majority of them are in the pocket of the local crime syndicates, so they have to do all their dirty business too. Like getting involved with gang wars, and taking down hulking, seemingly indestructible thugs like Marv. Still, that's just a heightened version of some of the more crime-ridden areas of the real world, and the police in those places aren't military-level. Still, looks cooler than a guy in a boring, normal uniform trying to slap the cuffs on Gail or Miho, right?
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/