10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy Sin City

5. People Actually Wanna Sleep With Marv

Marv is not a good looking guy. It's probably why they got Mickey Rourke - former pretty boy actor who mucked up his looks with a botched boxing career and ensuing bad plastic surgery - to play him in the films, poor bloke. He certainly sticks out, even amongst the other uggos of Sin City, his "unique" look cropping up in the stories A Dame to Kill For, Just Another Saturday Night, and Silent Night. He never gets better looking through any of them, FYI. The story that introduced Marv - and Sin City as a whole - the world, however, was the one where you have to suspend your disbelief the most. Because The Hard Goodbye starts with Marv getting laid. That's not the entire plot of the story, although we can see how it could be. Marv is not a looker. Did we already mention that? He's a big, hulking mess of a man, with a face not even his mother could love. It's not a face a sculptor would love, either, with the sharp contours and right angles of Brutalist architecture. He's usually covered in cuts and bruises, too, owing to his thuggish, vagrant lifestyle. He's also pretty thick and easily confused, so it's not one of those "like him for his personality" deals. And yet, prostitute Goldie sleeps with Marv - for free! - only to be murdered straight after, leading to the big lug trying to find the person responsible. Yes, she chose to sleep with him. Each to their own?
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/