10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy Sin City

4. Everyone And Everything Is Corrupt

Seriously, we know we said that in some way Sin City is more of a "heightened" version of reality, we may have been underestimating things. Just a tad. Because whilst police and political corruption is certainly a real and terrifying issue across the globe, there's (thankfully) nowhere in the continental United States that has ever gotten quite as bad as Basin City. They've certainly tried, yeah, but they've never scaled the heights of universal crookedness that exists there. We're not sure how people get by with the amount of corruption awaiting them behind every corner, with the majority of the police force in the pockets of some criminal syndicate, and those same criminal syndicates figuratively and literally running things. By which we mean, the politicians that actually run Sin City are all criminals, and the people running things from behind the scenes are criminals paying these criminals off. And none of the criminals ever get brought down by the cops, because the cops are all criminals too. It's a city where literally every citizen is a criminal, so far as we can tell. We never see any innocent bystanders. The lady who fell in the tar pits was probably involved in movie piracy at the very least. And yet somehow everything runs reasonably smoothly, the city isn't in a total state of disrepair, and life continues relatively unabashed. How does it work? We don't know. it just does. Somehow.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/