10 Criminally Underrated Super Teams In DC Comics
4. Justice League International

Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis envisioned an entirely different Justice League when they united to relaunch the Justice League in 1987. This would not be the clean-cut united front that the league had been in past incarnations. And the more changes, the better it seemed to be.
First was the roster. Gone were stalwarts like Superman, Wonder Woman, and Flash, and Aquaman. Instead, new heroes got a chance to shine in new roles.
Green Lantern Guy Gardner was a thorn in the side of every other member of the team, while this book was arguably the one that put Black Canary in a more prominent role. Captain Marvel got to shine as a comic relief, while new heroes Blue Beetle and Booster Gold became instant fan favourites. Plus, Batman becoming leader always results in some fun conflict.
Giffen's lighthearted writing was perfectly complimented by the incredible facial expressions of DeMatteis, and the dysfunctional nature resulting in the group fracturing in under a year was almost a perfect conclusion.
When it comes to certain teams, it's better to burn out than fade away. JLI made arrived, made a lasting impression, and didn't wear out their welcome, which is probably why this incarnation is so beloved even today.