10 Deadliest Supervillain Teams

8. The Hellfire Club

The Cabal
Marvel Comics

Though filled with powerful characters such as Emma Frost, the real reason the Hellfire Club is so dangerous isn't actually to do with the strength of their roster, but rather the clever way they operate.

Because to many, the Hellfire Club isn't considered an evil organisation, but rather a social club for members of the 'elite' to mingle. Indeed, even incredibly intelligent characters like Norman Osborn and Tony Stark were members of the Club without any kind of awareness of its secret nefarious dealings, due to them not being members of the 'Inner Circle'.

Said Inner Circle is where the more underhand practices of the Club were organised between the actual supervillains of the team, who would masterfully conceal their dealings from the rest of the world. While many heroes were aware of the true dark nature of the Hellfire Club, they were also powerless against it, as while they could beat individual members of the team, they'd never truly be able to close it entirely.


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