10 Devastating Comic Book Deaths That Came Out Of Nowhere

4. The Hulk - Civil War II #3 (2016)

Spider-Man Death
Marvel Comics

When the Avengers discovered an Inhuman called Ulysses could predict the future, they believed his powers could benefit all of mankind. This theory was fortified when Ulysses' visions warned the Avengers the world was about to be invaded by Thanos, giving the superheroes time to ready for the attack.

So, when Ulysses had a premonition that the Incredible Hulk would go on a murder streak, the Avengers found themselves between a rock and a hard place. Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, and the other superheroes tracked down Bruce Banner to warn him of the dilemma.

Knowing that telling Bruce about Ulysses' premonition could cause him to Hulk out, S.H.I.E.L.D. director, Maria Hill, asked him to give himself up before the situation got out of control. Not wanting to take any chances, Hawkeye put an arrow between Bruce's eyes, killing him.

As sudden as his death was, it was more shocking to learn Bruce himself ordered Hawkeye to put him out of his misery if he suspected the Hulk was about to lose control. Even though Hawkeye was merely carrying out Banner's wishes, it didn't make this moment any easier to swallow.

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