10 Different Ways You Can Actually Defeat Galactus

4. Give Him Food Poisoning

Galactus Food Poisoning
Marvel Comics

In the short-lived Wha... Huh? series from 2005 - a comedic comic book designed to answer the world's burning questions about Marvel's heroes - fans finally got the answer to the question that had been on everyone's lips for forty years: what if Galactus got food poisoning?

Look, don't question it. The guy eats a lot and, if we're to go by logic, it's likely that the Devourer of Worlds will have chowed down on one too many a dodgy planet from time to time. In fact, it's probably unavoidable - an occupational hazard of Galactus' large and very in charge lifestyle. It makes sense, then, that... erm, food poisoning would afflict the character at some point, because hey, who hasn't eaten one Saturn Ring too many? Right??

Anywho, in this story (which obviously takes place out of mainstream continuity), Galactus chows down on Ego the Living Planet. Turns out that Ego wasn't all that good for the God-like being however, and it isn't long before the Surfer is tasked with finding an appropriate toilet for the guy to go to. Said toilet turns out to be a literal Cosmic Bowl, and it's heavily implied that the process creates a whole new universe. Lovely.

So yeah, if Galactus is ever staring you down in a mean way, send some poisoned planet his way. It's bound to buy you some time.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.