10 Dystopian Futures Of Comic Book Superheroes

8. Daredevil: End Of Days

X-Men Days Of Future Past
Marvel Comics

While the world of End Of Days is in more recognisable shape than most comic book futures we could (and will) mention, things are no less miserable for the permanently tortured superhero Daredevil. Battling his nemesis Bullseye, the man without fear is brutally killed, bleeding out on the street. Didn't see that one coming, eh?

Unlike the stars of the rest of these tales, Matt Murdock starts out dead and stays that way, save for a few crucial flashbacks. End Of Days follows investigative reporter Ben Urich, investigating the mystery behind Matt's dying words, and paying visit to all of the main members of Daredevil's supporting cast along the way.

Like The Dark Knight Returns is to Batman, End Of Days in largely considered canon for Daredevil. Given how rough poor Matt's life has been thus far, it always was bound to end in doom, gloom and a stain on the pavement.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.