10 Epic Comic Book Fights With Underwhelming Endings
3. Wolverine Vs Hulk - #1-6 (2006-2009)
In Damon Lindelof's Ultimate Wolverine VS Hulk, Nick Fury has grown tired of the Incredible Hulk's destructive outbursts and so, hires Wolverine to eliminate the Jade Giant.
This mini-series isn't perfect but it has a ton of fun moments. Throughout the six-parter, Wolverine fought a panda, Betty Ross became She-Hulk, Bruce Banner found Buddhism, and the Ol' Canknucklehead got his head lopped off.
However, this story's most defining moment is the opening shot, which shows the Hulk ripping Wolvie in two - a feat many assumed was impossible due to Logan's supposedly indestructible skeleton. After seeing Wolverine's upper body clawing through the Himalayas to find his legs in the first few pages, readers couldn't wait to see what happened next.
However, waiting is exactly what readers had to do. Because the series suffered massive delays, readers had to wait three years to see how it all ended.
And what was the climax? Just as the titular characters were about to kill each other, Nick Fury showed up, saying he's changed his mind and the Hulk could walk free. Anyone expecting the story to conclude with an epic fight was massively disappointed.