10 Essential X-Men Stories For New Readers

5. The Dark Angel Saga

DarkAngelSaga_teaser1Marvel ComicsWhen Wolverine and Cyclops formed X-Force to be a black ops team, one of the additions was Angel. However, the first story revealed something surprising€”Angel, who had been experimented on by Apocalypse in the past, was apparently not free of that experimentation. Through the actions of the Purifiers, Angel found he could transform once again into the razor-winged Archangel, who had become far more bloodthirsty. This all led to €œThe Dark Angel Saga,€ a storyline in which writer Rick Remender had the Archangel persona completely take over Warren€™s body. Considering himself Apocalypse€™s heir, Archangel worked to try and exterminate all of humanity. Helping him was Genocide, the son of Apocalypse and Autumn Rolfson, who was once the Horseman Famine. X-Force stopped Archangel€™s plans with the help of Genesis, a child clone of Apocalypse who helps the team defeat Archangel. In the end of the story, Archangel had been completely transformed yet again, with no memory of his past life. Both he and Genesis (under the name of Evan Sabahnur) enrolled in the Jean Grey School as students.
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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com