10 Famous Comic Panels Recreated For Real

1. The Killing Joke

Killing Joke Cosplay
Anthony Misiano/DC Comics

It's worth saying from the get go that, if you don't know it already, Anthony Misiano is a god of cosplay. He's so uncanny when he dresses as the Joker that you'd be forgiven for thinking you were having some wild hallucination if you saw him coming down the street in his full supervillain regalia.

While all of the pictures he's taken as the Joker are undeniably impressive, there's one that is literally picture perfect, and that's his recreation of the iconic panel of the Joker in the Killing Joke. Not only is it great because it's such a striking image in the first place, but because everything has painstakingly been made identical - down to the shine on the gloves and the type of camera Anthony is using.

Though, of course, photo editing has also been used to perfect the picture, it's still insane to see the talent both of the editor and of Misiano himself combine into making this such a spot on remake.

If a new comic-identical Joker is ever required for the world of films, we should definitely know where to call.

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How Well Do You REALLY Know The Joker?

Joker DC Comics
Warner Bros.

1. The Joker Is Referred To As The Clown _______ Of Crime.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.