10 Famous Comic Panels Recreated For Real

8. Scott Pilgrim Gains The Power A Sweet Sword

Killing Joke Cosplay
Universal Pictures/Oni Press

Given it's adapting a six volume comic series, the Scott Pilgrim film does a pretty impressive job of making so much of it an incredibly accurate recreation of it.

One of the most visually interesting cases of this has to be when Scott comes to terms with the mistakes he's made and gains "The Power of Self Love" - a sweet glowing sword that's just about one of the coolest looking weapons in the series, and that appears just in time for his fight with the big bad Gideon.

This is directly taken from a panel in the comic where Scott does the same thing, although there are some slight differences. While Scott in the comics gains a sword that looks like this, he gets his in volume four, and then gets another sword - "The Power of Understanding" - just before he and Ramona face off against her final evil ex-boyfriend.

It may initially appear to be a difference that doesn't make sense, but it fits the differences between the two plots; as, where in the comic Scott gains the sword through understanding how he has been like Gideon, the film has Scott get his blade through just understanding himself.

Despite the changes, it's a great moment in the film, and shows how well the live-action format managed with using more cartoon moments in the franchise.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.