10 Famous Comic Panels Recreated For Real

3. Spider-Man No More

Killing Joke Cosplay
Sony Pictures/Marvel Comics

Whatever you think of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2, it's undeniable that it did really try to match the tone of the comic series. So much so, that it even took a direct shot from one of Petey's most iconic moments: where he threw away his costume in the famous "Spider-Man No More" storyline, towards the end of The Amazing Spider-Man #50.

It's a slightly cartoony moment, sure - if Spidey was getting rid of his secret identity, he probably shouldn't just leave it in a random garbage can for anyone to find. But it's also a perfect example of just how emotive the life of a dude who dresses like an arachnid can be, as well as the story itself being a perfect example of just how stressful superhero life can be.

Even if you didn't like Spider-Man 2, it's hard to argue with the fact that they took this theatrical panel and managed to make it work in a medium that often needs to be far more realistic than the world of comics.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.