10 Freaky Yet Awesome X-Men You Probably Forgot

9. Husk

First Appearance: Rom Annual #3 - 1984 A dominating theme of X-Men is mutant power as a metaphor for puberty. We get pimples, they get to move trucks with their mind. Life isn't fair. Marvel took the emphasis on physical transition even further by introducing a heroine who's power was literally shedding her skin. Paige Guthrie is a "transitional omni-morph" (read: technobabble), meaning that she can rip off her outer layer of skin Mission Impossible-style to change into other substances like steel or acid. Or Kool-Aid if Marvel wanted to follow in the footsteps of its famous Kool-Aid Man comics. Yes, that was a real thing. Husk's road to joining the X-Men was convoluted to say the least. She was introduced into Marvel through the ROM Space-Knight series, joined the "teen-spirit" themed Generation X team, then joined the paramilitary group X-Corps. Having run out of teams with X in the title, she finally became an official Xavier student and later teacher. Her powers got even more awesome from there, as she could shed into various elemental forms, including turning into a low-grade Human Torch. Of course, balancing out her abilities were her super-powered mood swings, yet another unfortunate puberty parallel. This led to her banging several other X-Men and eventually joining the rival Hellfire Club. Oh, teenagers!
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