10 Freaky Yet Awesome X-Men You Probably Forgot

8. Mercury

First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #2 - 2003 Mercury is what happens when the T-1000 turns out to be a teenage mutant with inexplicably red hair. Cessily Kincaid couldn't appreciate the coolness of this concept when her manifesting powers initially turned her into a blob monster. Her loving parents then shipped her off to Xavier's so they wouldn't have to see her again, as is X-Men tradition. The boys don't seem to appreciate her either, as she's one of the few X-Women to actually be rejected by her love interest. And as if life hasn't peed enough in her cereal, Cessily's T-1000 power package didn't come with an off switch, meaning that she's always in liquid metal form. At least she isn't poisonous. Despite her crappy background, Mercury was one of the few "freaky" X-Men to fit in pretty well with the team. While she never really accepted her abilities, she managed to bring out the best in her fellow recruits as their moral center. This was helped by the fact that she had a high level of utility. As previously mentioned, even her own creator compared her range of powers to Terminator 2's antagonist: she could perform stealth by moving as a puddle, sense vibrations, and survive almost any attack. This is best demonstrated when she helped fend off the Hulk when he tried to kill Professor Xavier. Long story.
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